Electric Vehicles

How to Add More USB Ports to Your Tesla Model 3 or Model Y

tesla model 3 usb hub

If you have wireless Qi charging, use Sentry Mode, and/or have setup the Tesla Boombox, you’re likely running out of USB Ports. You could try adding a USB hub designed for use with a PC. However, there’s better aftermarket solutions designed for your Tesla to avoid additional cables. One of the cleaner ways to get additional USB ports in your Tesla Model 3 or Model Y is with a hub designed to specifically fit into your Model 3 or Model Y. Tesla currently does not offer any such hubs, so you will need to look at aftermarket solutions. Some of the companies that currently make USB hubs for the Tesla include Taptes, Jada, and Pacewalker. Make sure you are ordering one designed for your particular year and model. Tesla Model 3’s manufactured May 2020 and earlier had 2 USB-A ports in the center console. We’ll cover these details and recommendations for media storage next, as well as one big drawback. If you’re not sure what month/year your Tesla was produced, you can look in the driver door jam. The month/year should be displayed in the top left corner. USB-A vs. USB-C When the Model Y first launched, USB ports were slightly different from the Model 3 which it shares many different parts with. On the back of the center console where the Model 3 had a pair of USB-A ports, the Model Y uses a pair of USB-C ports. The Model Y also had a single USB-C port inside of the center console near the front along with a USB-A. The Model 3’s (up until June 2020) had a pair of USB-A ports and no USB-C’s. There are aftermarket Tesla USB Hubs for all years of Model 3 and Model Y. They aren’t all created the same though. Depending on your needs, make sure you read the details as to what you are ordering. Some of these hubs may only offer charging, but no data transfer support. Typically, USB-A ports that have a blue connector support charging and data. Possible Damage (Disclaimer) Try and learn from my mistake on this one. I’ve read reviews where it has happened to others, so I’m not the only one. These hubs are designed to fit tight. It does require some force to get them into place. Not only that, but it can be difficult to get the ports to align properly. This is where I caused some damage. After realizing the USB hub didn’t feel as though things were going in like they should, I took a quick look to examine things. Sure enough, the USB-A port inside the console was damaged. I also noticed on the USB hub a bit of damage as well. Fortunately, I was able to use a flat head screwdriver and bend the outer metal of the USB-A port back enough to where on another attempt, I was able to get the hub properly inserted. Best advice, just be aware you could permanently damage your ports. You will have to use some force and pressure to get the Tesla USB hub into place. Just make sure you gently push it in towards the ports once you think you have the hub in the proper position. You also want to make sure you have it properly angled. An improper angle could cause damage to the ports as you get ready to push the hub in to make the connection. Take your time and use caution. With that out of the way, we’ll jump into the installation steps. Installation of a Tesla Model 3 USB Hub from Taptes Now that we got the damage portion out of way, let’s run through the installation steps. It’s pretty straight forward. Just align the ports and slide it in. Easy, right? It’s a tight fit and you can’t see the ports. As mentioned earlier, just take your time and use as gentle of force as possible. Once it’s connected, you can add your remove drives. Whether it’s a MicroSD with an adapter, SSD, or a USB flash drive. Jada Tesla USB Hub The Jada Tesla USB Hub is quite similar to the one by Taptes. The Pacewalker Tesla USB Hub I haven’t personally tried this one, but I saw it on Amazon the other day. This USB hub is smaller than the Jada and Taptes hubs. It’s made out of aluminum and clearly isn’t designed to blend in. They claim the aluminum design helps dissipate heat. Aluminum, especially when combined with “fin” designs can be great at dissipating heat, I’m just not sure if USB hubs get that hot to begin with. While the Pacewalker is more expensive than the Taptes, the smaller design should make it much easier to install. Aligning the ports shouldn’t be anywhere near as difficult. It’s getting mixed reviews so far though, so take this one with a grain of salt. Tesla Sentry Mode Storage Recommendations A USB thumb drive I started with originally for my TeslaCam became problematic after a certain over-the-air software update. I believe the write speed was too slow. Shortly after, I decided to try Solid State Disk (SSD) hard drives in our Model X. Our daughter got her Model 3 in June 2020. I picked up another SSD for her to use for Sentry Mode. While there are SSD’s with USB-C connectors, the one’s I had picked up used a SATA connection. This was going to make it impossible to fit into the hidden compartment of the USB hub on my daughter’s car. This is when I decided to order the USB adapter and a new Micro SD card. It’s a much cleaner install with even less cables. If she ever needs to leave something small of value in her car, this storage compartment can be used for something such as a key, credit card, etc. and not be filled with an SSD. Micro SD Cards I recently came across this video on the YouTube channel Because Tesla. He mentions not using

Why Are Tesla Cars Banned In Some States?

tesla dealership banned

If you have been keeping track of the news and seen Tesla cars, you might have been considering purchasing one. Right up until the time that you read that some states have banned the sale of Tesla cars. But, why wouldn’t a state want to sell Tesla cars? What happened to cause the ban? Tesla is a car manufacturer that will only let its cars be sold from its car dealerships. Some states have laws prohibiting car manufacturers from owning dealerships.  Although there are no laws stopping someone from purchasing a Tesla car and then collecting their vehicle in a state that allows Tesla to function as both a manufacturer and car dealership owner, you might be interested in the particulars behind the laws. Read on to find out more about why Tesla cars cannot be sold in some states. Why Are Tesla Cars Banned In Some States? It may surprise you to learn that some states have banned the selling of Tesla cars, considering it is such a renowned company. Elon Musk is one of the richest men globally, due in no small part to his creative design of the electric car. Tesla is a famous and prosperous company, so you are probably wondering how they managed to get banned in some states. As it turns out, Tesla did not commit any crime to be banned. It merely comes down to a few laws passed nearly a century ago when car manufacturers first began their operations. Back then, it was the custom for car manufacturers to focus on making cars only since the workforce required was enormous. Franchises were smaller companies who bought cars from the manufacturers and spare parts for routine repairs and then turned around and sold them. They worried that car manufacturers would eventually stop selling their cars to the franchises and instead, sell them directly to the populace.  Franchises mustered a great many lobbyists to convince lawmakers to pass laws outlawing the practice of car manufacturers opening up their dealerships. If car manufacturers were allowed to own dealerships, too, there would be no place for franchise dealerships. To protect their livelihoods, they persuaded lawmakers to enact franchise laws.  Franchise Laws One of the main reasons why Tesla cars are banned in some states is because of certain state-by-state franchise laws. Most car manufacturers sell their cars to automotive dealerships, who then turn around and sell the actual cars. Tesla refuses to participate in this franchise system and insists on owning their own dealerships to cut out the middleman. Early in America’s history, car manufacturers established a relationship with dealerships to spread out the work and the payment. However, as manufacturing technology advanced, dealerships worried that they would be cut out and persuaded lawmakers to pass laws that would protect their livelihood and forbid manufacturers from also being dealerships. Tesla justifies its position in three ways: Tesla pays its salespeople a salary, unlike most companies who pay the salespeople by the commission. A commission-based income gives salespeople a huge incentive to hurry the sale along, possibly through unethical means or by not giving the person enough time to consider the purchase. Car dealerships that sell a combination of gas-fueled cars and electric cars would have a conflict of interest since most companies who sell their cars to the dealerships are oil-based. Tesla believes that this conflict of interest could spark unwanted conflict and that Tesla’s cars might not be given a fair shake. Their engines’ proprietary nature is supposedly complex enough that only Tesla employees can properly explain their advantages to potential customers. Other sellers would not know enough to replace a Tesla employee.  Conflict Of Interest In the case of Tesla wanting to own their own car dealerships to sell their cars, existing dealerships are lobbying to stop them. Although car dealerships do not make much profit from the sale of cars, they do make a fair amount of money from car repairs. Unlike traditional cars, electric cars do not need the same types of routine maintenance.  They do not need their oil changed, tuneups are not necessary, and even brake pads last a lot longer thanks to regenerative braking technology. Car dealerships see that electric cars will end up costing them a pretty penny in the future with the lack of regular repairs needed. Since their profit often comes from those repairs, car dealerships are wary about selling electric cars. Thus, they are not keen on allowing Tesla to open up their own dealerships or sell Tesla’s cars. If car dealerships had their way, electric cars would go out with the baby in the bathwater, and they would not have to worry about them taking over the market. Tesla, however, appears to be here to stay. To Stop A Growing Trend Franchises are not just worried about the effect electric cars will have on their bottom line. They also worry that if Tesla is successful in their venture that other car companies will decide to withdraw from their current agreements with franchise car dealerships and sell their gasoline cars from their own dealerships and take on the repair responsibilities. If gasoline car companies see that Tesla successfully sells their own cars after making them, they might try their hand at it. Franchise car dealerships would no longer be needed. We might see a future where the same company manufactures and sells their cars. That future would be more profitable for car manufacturers, which worries car dealership owners.  The loss of those companies would spell the end of franchise car dealerships entirely, so they do not want to encourage any other types of car manufacturers to follow in Tesla’s footsteps. If electric car manufacturers withhold their cars for their own dealerships, it wouldn’t be any significant loss, but gas cars certainly would be.  What States Have Banned Tesla? Sixteen states have laws that explicitly prohibit Tesla’s ability to open a car dealership because of their status as a manufacturer. A further nine states have

Why is Tesla Better than Gas Cars?

why tesla's are better than gas cars

For most of my recent memory, modern electric cars have been somewhere between quirky oddity and cars of the future. With gas-powered cars dominating every part of the automotive world, it seemed impossible for electric cars to really have a chance. But, when Tesla entered the scene in the 2000s, it showed not only that electric cars could be viable transportation, but it also showed that they could be better than gas-powered cars. Tesla cars have several advantages over traditional gas-powered cars. Since they are entirely electric, their carbon footprint is lower than gas-powered cars, and they also have a better “fuel” economy. Tesla also offers more sophisticated technology, better performance, and lower maintenance than similar gas-powered cars. Tesla’s outshine their competition in a series of different ways. Because of the very nature of their build, Tesla’s can offer performance upgrades, diagnostics, and software updates in a matter of minutes. Their electric motors offer instant torque and acceleration only rivaled by supercars. In this article, we’ll tell you every advantage a Tesla has over its gas-powered competition. The Advantages of a Tesla Over Gas Cars Tesla vehicles were once reserved for those with extra money to spend. Even though the overall goal was to help the environment, the hefty Tesla price tag wasn’t one that most people could afford. But in recent history, thanks to more affordable models and tax credits for those with energy-efficient vehicles, Tesla’s street presence has increased.  However, electric cars are not a new invention. Electric cars have been around for nearly as long as gas-powered cars. But, for a variety of reasons, the production of electric cars fizzled out in the early 1900s. Nearly 100 years after their initial decline, electric cars are back with so many new innovations that their gas-powered counterparts can’t keep up. Gas-powered cars, for the majority of their lifetime, have been mechanical machines. Even though they have gotten increasingly more computerized, the heart of all gas-powered cars, the engine, is still a mechanical machine. It relies on making little gas explosions to propel itself, and if something’s wrong, you usually have to physically fix it. But Tesla’s, for the most part, are not mechanical. They are electric, and they are computerized. They don’t rely on gasoline, they don’t need oil changes, and they are packed with cool hardware and software features. Tesla Technology According to Pocket Lint, Tesla operates through an operating system, kind of like your computer does with Windows or Mac. In a way, Tesla is like a computer on wheels. This technology allows for a large number of possibilities, including: Auto-pilot Performance upgrades Easy Operating System Updates Games, Easter Eggs, and Extras Auto-Pilot Along with being a pioneer in mainstream electric cars, Tesla is also at the forefront of self-driving cars. According to Wired, a problem with developing self-driving cars in the past is that most vehicles have to be retrofitted with cameras and sensors, and computers. Today, Tesla vehicles come with all that stuff standard – even if you don’t pay for it up front. In comparison, there will probably never be a modern self-driving gas-powered car. According to Clean Technica, gas-powered vehicles introduce too much delay in the system to make a safe, self-driving car. While a Tesla’s computer can instantly hit the accelerator and move forward, a gas-powered self-driving AI is still at the mercy of a revving engine.  Performance Upgrades The birth of automobiles was closely followed by the birth of automobile racing. For as long as cars have been around, there’s been someone who’s wanted to make them faster. In the early days, it was all about supercharging and engine swapping.  Then, as time went on, car lovers started slapping on turbo’s, and nowadays, there are millions of things you can do to squeeze as much performance as you want out of your car. But, even though their accessible, there is still something to consider: making a gas-powered car go faster requires a lot of hard work and a lot of money. A lot of performance parts cost somewhere between hundreds and thousands of dollars, and that’s just for the parts. It will cost another chunk if you want someone else to install it. If you want to make your Tesla go faster, the process is very simple. You don’t have to swap an LS motor into it and stick a turbo and supercharger on it. If you own a Performance version of the Model S or X, all you have to do is buy ludicrous mode. Once you buy it, an over-the-air update is ready to be installed, and you’re ready to go. It isn’t cheap. Tesla has changed it’s price over the years. Ludicrous mode has had a cost between $5,000-$10,000. It was even included for a while on Performance models. But it’s quick and easy. Easy Operating System Updates With gas-powered cars, the procedure with bugs, updates, and recalls have pretty much stayed the same over the years. Usually, a problem will be found with your car, and the automaker will issue a recall. You have to take your vehicle to the dealership and wait for them to fix it. With Tesla, it’s a lot easier. For many things, all Tesla needs to do is send out a wireless update to your car. I’ll use information from Green Car Reports to help illustrate this point. Back in the early days of the Model S, people were still getting used to the feeling of driving an electric car. One thing drivers found strange was the Model S didn’t creep forward when they had their foot off both the brake and accelerator. In a normal car, doing so would let the car crawl forward very slowly, but since Tesla’s are all-electric, they don’t have to worry about an idling engine. But, since customers complained, Tesla released an update that installed a fake creep mode into their cars. This is an optional setting that can be enabled. Games, Easter Eggs, and

Will Tesla Cars Use Starlink?

tesla starlink

It’s a practical pairing for Tesla vehicles to use Startlink internet service. SpaceX is bringing internet to the most desolate places in the world via low-orbit satellite through their Starlink service. Is it possible though and how soon? The possibility of SpaceX’s Starlink being used with Tesla cars is very real. Especially with Elon Musk involvement in both companies increases these chances. This article will explore Starlink and what it could allow Tesla cars to do if the two were paired. Tesla nor SpaceX have announced any official plans thus far. However, Elon alluded to Starlink possibly providing internet to cars. The current hardware would likely need to be changed for it to become reality. It’s doubtful you’ll ever see a Tesla rolling off the assembly light with a satellite dish sticking out the back. As Starlink builds out their ground relay stations, there could be potential for vehicles to rely on these stations. What Is Starlink? Starlink is a project launched by SpaceX in 2015. SpaceX is an Aerospace company owned and operated by Elon Musk. They specialize in creating rockets and reusable spacecraft, the most noteworthy being the “Falcon Heavy,” the largest rocket today. The goal of Starlink is to provide satellite internet to the most remote parts of the world. To this day, SpaceX has launched over 800 satellites for the Starlink project. SpaceX has received approval from the FCC to launch over 7500 satellites. It seems like a huge number, but SpaceX designed these satellites to be very compact. They sit at a lower orbit than traditional satellites. This technology could possibly change the world. With the goal of the internet being available to the most places in the world. It will spring forward growth in more rural and poor areas. Thanks to Starlink service, the Hoh Tribe on the Olympic Peninsula has finally gained access to high-speed internet. Moreover, Starlink will help to provide more competition between cable and telecom companies. It could even be used in communication technology for Musk’s future endeavors in colonizing Mars. Backfilling 5G Networks In addition to providing internet to places otherwise untouched, Musk has hinted at using the Starlink network to help backfill 5G networks. This will support the growth and infrastructure of the communications industry. Phones can soon utilize this satellite internet service. It seems like they will rarely ever lose service once that occurs. The prospects of providing access to the internet are exciting. The potential that is waiting to be released in the technology sector from this is around the corner. Starlink is currently in Beta, establishing satellites above the North American and European continents. Do Tesla Cars Currently Have Wifi? Right now, all Tesla cars currently offer standard “connectivity”. In the standard version, the only feature available is navigation, which is a basic GPS feature built into your car. The only other way to access other parts of the internet with your Tesla car with the standard connectivity is to connect it to WiFi. Connecting your car to wifi isn’t practical if your’e going to drive. This is where you can get premium connectivity for your Tesla. This connection is a cellular one that provides wifi to the car features other than navigation and your phone. This service is made possible through AT&T’s network. In time, I could see it being replaced with Starlink service. Tesla Premium Connectivity Premium connectivity will allow you to use internet-dependent features in your Tesla (depending on model) wherever you have a cell signal, such as: Satellite View Maps Music Live Traffic Visualization Internet Browser There are some exceptions to who has premium connectivity. It is included for free in vehicles delivered before June 30th, 2018. For vehicles delivered July 1st, 2018 or later, the service can be purchased for around $10/month. How Could Starlink Be Used With Tesla Cars? With the range of Tesla cars ever-increasing, more people use them to travel long distances and even on road trips. While the cell phone signal will provide wifi in many places, a Starlink connection could replace the connection in rural areas. Besides being able to have nonstop wifi and GPS signals, this could also dramatically increase driving safety. Some of the most dangerous parts of the country to drive in are rural states without many people or services. Establishing a connection right away will increase response time in locating accidents or emergencies. Taking it one step further, the main utilization of the Starlink administration is for associated vehicle innovation that permits the organization’s vehicles to speak with different vehicles (with a cloud interface). Envision a future where self-governing Tesla vehicles can send information to and from the cloud, utilizing many satellites. Controversy Elon Musk has alluded to Tesla “coming close” to attaining autonomous driving. Many carmakers started to pursue computer-driven cars. With Tesla entering the scene in 2013 with the Model S, introducing some limited features to its current cars. Autonomous cars are a large and controversial subject. One thing is certain: there needs to be a connection to analyze data. The biggest asset to creating and maintaining the success of a program like self-driving cars is inputting data to the AI. The key to continually improving is analyzing data from: Cameras Sensors Radars With cell phone service being very choppy, it has made it difficult for automakers to develop something that is not connected to a network for support. The prospects changed with 5G coming out, for the cars will need a strong bandwidth network to communicate with. More data will require a stronger network. That is where Starlink comes in. The ultra-fast broadband network can supplement where 5G is lacking — or even replace it entirely. Starlink may be the solution because SpaceX and Tesla can pair up to make their own efficient network. What Is Ahead Elon Musk has been very optimistic about a timeline. People can see some of the first autonomous vehicles being presented to consumers as early as this year. In an earnings

What Is Ludicrous Mode?

tesla ludicrous mode

A unique feature of some Tesla model electric vehicles will allow you to gain substantial acceleration speeds. Tesla used the starship speeds from the movie Spaceballs for naming inspiration. Light Speed, Ridiculous Speed, Ludicrous Speed, and Plaid Speed were in the speed settings from the movie. Ludicrous, and soon Plaid have made it into the Tesla performance packages. The Ludicrous package is an upgrade available on the Performance versions of both the Tesla Model S and Model X. Tesla has changed it’s availability over the years, including having it free on Performance models at one point. Ludicrous Mode will allow your Tesla EV to accelerate to 60 MPH in less than three seconds. When Ludicrous Mode is activated on your Tesla, you will have the power of a roller coaster at your disposal. Tesla CEO Elon Musk has even declared that it is faster than falling. This is exciting news for techies and thrill-seekers alike, but Ludicrous Mode is just the beginning. Tesla has pushed the envelope further, not once but twice. Read on to find out everything you need to know about Tesla’s next-level supercharged speed modes. Ludicrous Mode The genesis of Tesla’s speed boost mode began here. Ludicrous Mode was an exciting feature on Tesla’s already impressive series of electric vehicles. Ludicrous mode was first introduced on August 23, 2016, on the Model S P100D. This new feature boasted a 10% increase in acceleration from the standard Model S. This speed boost also came with an increase in price, requiring customers to tack on an additional $10,000 to the pricey MSRP of their Tesla S P100D. The higher price seems to be worth it to many Tesla customers. Tesla has improved this feature twice since its inception. When compared to traditional internal-combustion engine vehicles, you can easily drop thousands of dollars to gain similar performance improvements. Tesla has been seen as a power symbol by many people since its inception. Instant torque and quick acceleration are two by-products of the electric motors. The Ludicrous Speed Mode certainly adds to that level of prestige and impressiveness. This performance increase does come at another cost though. Customers felt the first generation of Ludicrous enhanced wear and stress placed on the engine and battery. Newer models even inform the driver before entering Ludicrous Mode of the added wear to the battery, which can definitely be a drawback when considering whether or not to use this feature. Secret ludicrous plus mode warning… pic.twitter.com/lMkJYDofos — Dean Hall (@rocket2guns) February 23, 2017 Ludicrous Plus Tesla upped the ante next year in 2016 when they released the next level of Ludicrous speed that will get you from 0-60 in 2.4 seconds. These incredible speed boosts require a ton of energy and will place significantly more stress on your electric vehicle’s battery. The reason for this is the added heat from the battery’s optimization. This mode will require your battery to heat up for optimization. The battery will heat up to nearly 122 degrees Fahrenheit. Along with this spike in temperature comes an increase in horsepower, around 35 more actually. Ludicrous Plus Mode is valued at $20,000, but it comes standard on certain variants of the model S and X. This feature makes Tesla the producer of the fourth fastest production sedan on the market and the fastest electric vehicle on the market. Ludicrous Plus with Warp Mode This ultimate mode, or current ultimate mode, is the top of the line. When properly heated to the fully optimized temperature, Ludicrous Plus with Warp Mode can shave down a quarter-mile time to 10.5 from 10.6. Clearly taking inspiration from Star Wars, the control panel will display a view from a starship in hyperdrive when Ludicrous Plus with Warp Mode is activated. Another fun feature is the warning that will appear to notify you of potential wear and tear. If you opt-out of using Ludicrous speed and Warp mode, you will have to press the option on the screen that literally says, “No, I want my mommy.” Fans of the tech giant love the animations and comical messages the screen puts out. At the moment, this is the apex of Ludicrous Speed, but if Tesla has shown the world anything, it is that they stop for no one. Perhaps there will soon be a new speed, but for now, there are three: Ludicrous Ludicrous+ Ludicrous+ with Warp Mode How Do You Use Ludicrous Plus with Warp Mode? The biggest thing to remember here is that patience is a virtue. To unleash the ultimate power of Ludicrous Speed, you must allow the electric vehicle to warm up. Doing this will allow your electric vehicle to perform to the height of its potential. Follow these steps: On your control panel under acceleration, select “Ludicrous Plus.” You will receive a notification that explains that your battery will begin heating to an optimal temperature. Select “Max Battery Power.” Allow your Tesla to warm up. While this could take a few minutes if you have already been driving, it will take much longer if the car has been idle. Temperatures outside can also affect the wait time.  Once your battery has warmed up to optimum temperature, swipe down on your control panel to reveal the Warp Mode icon. Select this icon to begin the final optimization. You can use this even if the heat is not optimal, but your output will be far less. Another notification will appear asking if you are sure you would like to put the extra strain on your vehicle with the options “Yes. Bring it on!” and “No, I want my mommy.” Clearly, Tesla wants its users to experience the full extent of its high-tech engineering. Accept the challenge to engage Warp Mode. In this video, Eli Burton from My Tesla Adventure demonstrates the three modes of Ludicrous Mode. Is Ludicrous Mode Bad for Your Car? Several times throughout the activation of Ludicrous Plus with Warp Mode, you will receive warnings and releases of liability regarding strain

How to Setup Your Tesla Boombox – The Complete Guide

tesla boombox

One of the most talked about features in the latest Tesla software update is the new Tesla Boombox. The Tesla Boombox allows you to change the sound of your horn, driving sound, and also the sound your vehicle will make when it is “summoned”. This feature is only going to be available on the Model 3 and Y vehicles that have the external speaker. You can find the Boombox in the Toy Box section of your Touchscreen. Once you open up the Boombox, you’ll find drop down menus where you can choose one of the default sounds that Tesla has included. The external speaker is used for the Pedestrian Warning System (PWS) and was first added to the Model 3 some time in 2019. Most Model Y’s should have this speaker. So far, no Model S or X vehicles have an exterior speaker (as far as I know). At least our 2020 Tesla Model X with a 12/2019 build date doesn’t have one. In this post, we’ll discuss how to tell if you have the Boombox feature including hardware and software requirements. We’ll also go through the steps to setup your own custom sounds for the Tesla Boombox on a USB drive. We will also discuss retrofit options for vehicles that do not have the external speaker. Tesla Boombox Hardware and Software Requirements In order to receive the Tesla Boombox update, you’ll need the hardware for it. In this case, it’s an external speaker found near the lower front bumper. You’ll also need the latest software release, v2020.48 also referred to as v10.2. You can check which software version you have installed by going into Controls (which is the car icon near the lower left of the touchscreen). [ADD PHOTO] What If You Don’t Have the External Speaker? Tesla Owners Silicon Valley asked Elon Musk on Twitter if a retrofit would be possible for older vehicles that don’t have the speaker. This was his response: Ok, service might be able to do this. Will check. — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 27, 2020 Some vehicles appear to have the wiring harness for the speaker and there are others that have the holes for where the speaker would go, but no speaker. Simply adding a speaker to the existing wiring harness likely wouldn’t be enough. Tesla would more than likely have to push out the software update that specifically includes the Boombox. When I had our previous 2018 Model X upgraded with the HEPA Air Filter, the Service Center installed it, but failed to make sure Biodefense was enabled. I ended up having to call support to get this taken care of – it would likely be the same with an external speaker retrofit where someone at Tesla, whether the SC or support line enables it. Don’t Have the Latest Software Yet? Tesla more often than not does phased rollouts of the software. If you’d like to try and receive updates sooner, go to Controls / Software and select “Advanced” rather than “Standard”. How to Access the Tesla Boombox To access the Tesla Boombox, open up the Toybox. The Boombox should appear at the top (assuming you have it). From this screen, you’ll see built-in sound options for the Horn, Driving, and Summon. These are the built-in sounds for the horn: Fart (just like Emissions, it has multiple variations, just press your horn again) Posh Toss a Coin GOAT! Old Horn Applause Tada Ba Dum Tss DJ La Cucaracha The Drive and Summon sounds have the same 10 options. They are as follows: Coconuts What appears to be a snake and saxaphone icon (not sure what this means, maybe slow jazz?) Polynesian Elevator Music Toss a Coin Rainforest Rock n’ Roll Harp Ice Cream (I was expecting this to sound more like an ice cream truck sound) Merry Go Round Caribbean Play Current Media By clicking on “Play Current Media”, the external speaker will play the same sound that you currently have playing inside. Custom Sounds for Your Tesla Boombox To play custom sounds, you can add files to a USB flash drive. It’s been recommended to use a separate flash drive from your Sentry Mode drive. The instructions from Tesla state that you can upload up to 5 custom sounds. To do this, you’ll need a properly formatted flash drive and create a new folder titled “Boombox”. Simply save your MP3 files into this folder. Once you have your flash drive ready with your MP3’s, simply plug it into a USB port. Now, when you go to the drop down menu’s you should see your custom MP3 files listed (in additional to the built-in Tesla ones). If you need help on how to format your flash drive on a Mac, follow these steps: Insert your flash drive into a USB port on your computer Open Disk Utility Select your flash drive on the left (make sure you select the appropriate drive!) You don’t want to accidentally erase important data Once your drive is selected, click on Erase 5. Choose a name for your Flash Drive (You should be able to choose anything here). Make sure to select ExFAT. I went with Master Boot Record for the scheme. Then click Erase 6. Now create a new folder titled “Boombox”. Add your MP3’s to this folder and you’ll be ready to plug your Flash drive into your Tesla’s USB port. After you’ve inserted your Flash Drive, you should now see your custom sounds added to the drop down menus. Tesla will automatically put “USB” in front of your file name. I added some Knight Rider and Airwolf MP3 files. Note On Changing Sounds At least in this initial release, any time you turn your car off it will reset the horn, driving, and summon sounds back to default. It would be great if Tesla allows you to save some of these settings in a future release. Is It Legal? Tesla makes mention of checking your local laws regarding the use of this

Tesla Software V10.2 (2020.48 December 2020) Update

tesla software update 10.2 2020.48

Tesla software v10.2 has been pushed out! This is the latest over-the-air software update. New games and improvements in a few other areas round out the main software updates found in Tesla’s 2020.48 release. It sounds like Tesla originally was aiming to have this released before Christmas, but it came a day later and with some of the features pushed out for a later date. Let’s dive in… New Tesla Games As in previous releases, the Tesla games can be found in the Entertainment/Arcade section. The games that have been added to the Tesla Arcade are The Battle of Polytopia, Cat Quest, and Solitaire. The Battle of Polytopia This is a strategy game with low poly graphics in which users take turns. The goal is to lead your civilization to victory by expanding your empire while researching new technologies. I never heard of this game before, but according to the release notes it has won some awards. You can also play online by creating a Tesla game profile. You’ll also see the option to play offline if you prefer. This appears to be the first Tesla Arcade game that will use a leaderboard, assuming you play online. Cat Quest This is another game I wasn’t aware of (but that’s not saying much). The Release Notes mentions that Cat Quest is an adventure game with dragons, magic, and cats. The goal of the game is to rescue your catnapped sister from the evil Drakoth. Gameplay includes an overworld map to help you navigate as you explore dungeons for loot, and help various characters in several side quests. Cat Quest does require you to connect a USB game controller to play. Solitaire So I am familiar with this one, as I’m sure most people are. Apparently it is also known as Klondike to some. The classic card game that can be found in digital format on Microsoft Windows has now landed in the Tesla Arcade. In this Tesla version you can choose one of three modes. Draw 1, Draw 3, or Vegas play mode. You can also customize the backdrop and card backs. Driving Visualization Improvements In the Release Notes it mentions the instrument cluster has been refreshed (this will apply to the Model S and X, although the Model 3/Y have also had a UI update). The Autopilot availability and detected speed limit are now displayed next to the driving speed. It also mentions that select items have slightly moved, but will continue to look and behave the same as before. I noticed several items are small now, it looks similar to if you change your computer monitor to a higher resolution. Everything gets slightly smaller. I also noticed the “D” for drive changes to a blue color when Autopilot is engaged. I’m not sure if I agree with the color choice as at a quick glance you might think your high beams were on, but this is in a completely different location at the bottom of the screen. Scheduled Departure Improvements A couple of nice updates here. Scheduled Departure can now precondition the battery and cabin even when your vehicle is unplugged. To account for different utility rate plans, you are now able to set the time when your off-peak rates end to help you save on charging costs. We don’t have off-peak rates where we’re located, but for those that do this feature will help you save a bit of coin on charging. To access this feature, tap on Schedule from the climate control or charging panel when your vehicle is parked. Supercharger Display Improvements With this update the Supercharger pins on the touchscreen will now display the number of available stalls at Supercharger location. A number now displays inside of the red pin. This will especially help if you’re choosing between one of a couple locations based on how many people are currently using them. The number available might not be as important as how many there are total in the case of power sharing on version 1 and 2 Superchargers. It won’t matter on with Version 3 Superchargers since they have dedicated power. You can also search for nearby amenities by tapping an amenity icon on the Supercharger popup display. By tapping on an icon for restroom, food, lodging, or WiFi, you’ll get a navigation search for the specific amenity. It seems even if there is not one of the amenities nearby, it will still allow you to click on it which will then show “no results”. This is one in a future update it would be nice to see the icon greyed out showing there is no nearby amenities for that particular selection. Vehicle Information This one also pertains to the Tesla “T” which was removed. To access information such as your VIN, model, odometer, naming of your vehicle, and packages you’ve purchased (such as Full Self Driving and Standard or Premium Connectivity), you’ll now go into Controls / Software. Release Notes Improvements The Tesla “T” at the top of the touchscreen has now been removed. Previously, you could click here to access the Tesla “Easter Eggs” and software Release Notes. Now, the Release Notes can be found by clicking on Controls / Software / Release Notes. They’ve also improved the browsing of Release Notes by adding a left-hand navigation. Tesla Model 3/Y Updates A few specific updates for the Model 3 and Y have also been released. There’s now a Boombox feature, updated UI including illustrated vehicle animation. Boombox The Model 3 and Y also received some specific features including the new Boom Box feature which allows use of the external speaker. The release notes mention you can entertain a crowd with your media player when parked. It also states you can adjust the sounds your car makes, but to check local laws before use in public spaces. It mentions adding up to 5 custom sounds which can be done by connecting a USB with a directory named Boombox. I could see owners added

How are Tesla Charging Stations Powered?

how are tesla superchargers powered

Tesla Charging Stations, officially know as Tesla Supercharging are the fast charging systems that offer the fastest charging to a Tesla. A question that frequently comes up regarding Tesla Superchargers is where the electricity comes from. Often, it is curiosity of how “clean” the energy really is. Most Tesla Supercharging stations get their electricity from the grid. This means it is supplied by local energy companies. Likely, the same one that is providing power to the nearby businesses in the area (and possibly your own home). This energy may be generated by hydro, natural gas, solar, wind, nuclear, or coal, among others. It may also be generated by a combination of more than one source. Many utility companies produce their energy from multiple sources. Per the U.S. Energy Information Administration, in 2019, most of the electricity in the United States was generated by natural gas, coal, and nuclear energy. Tesla Superchargers supply 480 volts of direct current (DC) electricity. What About Solar Tesla Charging Stations? Some Tesla Superchargers have a solar panel canopy overhead. This may help offset some of the energy usage, but is it enough to supply the needed power for an entire station? Back in 2017, Elon Musk posted this Tweet: All Superchargers are being converted to solar/battery power. Over time, almost all will disconnect from the electricity grid. — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 9, 2017 Tesla is constantly working on expanding their Supercharger network. They are frequently adding new sites around the globe. Tesla is also expanding popular stations. Expansion of the network allows additional routes for vehicles to travel. It’s becoming easier and easier to get to remote destinations, even compared to just a year or two ago. In the following sections, we’ll take a deeper dive into how Tesla Supercharger Stations are powered in the U.S. With most of the Superchargers currently reliant on the grid, we’ll look at some of these numbers. Why Does it Matter? Often it is based on how “clean” the energy is, and thus how “green” Tesla’s really are. Some skeptics may claim they’re being powered by coal or other dirty energy, and in some areas, they very well could be depending on where you live. Tesla Supercharger Power from the Grid While some of the power may be offset at some stations that have solar canopies, the majority of electricity that powers most Tesla Supercharging Stations comes from the grid. An electrical grid, also referred to as a power grid, is an interconnected network. It’s used to deliver energy from electric producers to consumers. U.S. Energy Production The chart below shows primary energy production in the U.S. by major sources from 1950-2019. Overall energy appears to have increased by nearly 2.5 times. Renewables are not clear, this could include everything from hydro-electricity to bio-diesel. Nuclear and coal have slightly reduced in recent years. Population increases with more electronic devices have both contributed to greater energy demands. Local utility companies in our area have offered incentives for electric vehicles owners. They also want to monitor the impact EV’s will have on the grid for years to come. Here’s a chart on US energy production and use. ChesterEnergyandPolicy.com is a website that provides insights and analytics on energy and the policies around it. Here, they’ve created a visual map highlighting primary energy source for each state. The darker the color, the greater the percentage of use for that energy source in that state. Here’s a video of the Tesla Supercharging station with solar canopy installed in Las Vegas near Caesar’s Palace. Tesla Superchargers Completely Off-Grid? Despite rolling blackouts in California (and other areas) at times, Tesla has a goal of clean power without backouts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For Tesla achieve this, they will have to be independent from the grid. Also adding Tesla Solar to our Supercharger stations as fast as possible. Goal is 24/7 clean power with no blackouts. — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) October 10, 2019 If you didn’t already know, Tesla bought a company called Solar City back in 2016. This purchase is essentially the division of Tesla Energy as we know it today. It’s potentially an even larger growth potential for Tesla than electric vehicles. They already have solar panels, solar roofs, and PowerWalls that are apart of their residential lineup. But they also have MegaPacks, Microgrids, and other commercial applications. I haven’t seen a Tesla Supercharger with a solar canopy in person yet. It will be interesting to see how fast they may actually roll these out. Will they be in all geographic locations or only those that have more solar efficiency (less cloud cover and rain throughout an average year). There are, however, some new technology breakthroughs that could be on the horizon. This article by Science Alert discusses how new technology could allow solar panels to produce a quarter of the energy at night that the panels generate during the day. It would have to be under optimum conditions, but it’s impressive to think that solar energy could be produced at night. Thermoradiative cells is the key to this technology. Amazingly, solar technology not only has improved over the last several years, but also (for the most part) has seen lower prices. How Many Tesla Supercharging Stations are There? Regarding the number of Supercharger stations, an article by Forbes indicates there were approximately 1,200 stations in Q1 of 2018. By Q2 of 2020, there were 2,035. On this Tesla page, you can search (and sort) through a map to find Tesla Supercharger locations, Tesla Service Centers, and Destination Chargers. Superchargers expected to open soon display a grey icon. Just don’t confuse it for the Destination Charging icon (or filter that option off). Click on one of these and it will give additional information. Conclusion While the majority of Tesla Superchargers are currently powered by the grid, that could very well change in the years to come. Tesla seems focused on shifting to renewable energy to power their stations. This

Here’s How to Check Tire Pressure on a Tesla

tesla tire pressure

Maintaining proper tire pressure is important on any vehicle. While you can always manually check the pressure on your tires with a tire gauge, using the built-in Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) is a quick and easy way to get a pressure reading. Despite the TPMS system, Tesla still recommends periodically checking your tire pressure manually. To check your Tesla tire pressure via the TPMS will vary based on which vehicle you drive. For Model S and X owners, follow these steps: Tesla Model S and X Tire Pressure Display Press down on the Left Scroll Wheel for a second or so, you’ll see an options menu appear. Using the left wheel control, scroll down to “Check Status”. This will now display vehicle status on the left-hand portion of the Instrument Panel. Tesla Model 3 and Y Tire Pressure Display If you own a Tesla Model Y or Model 3, this is for you… It’s a bit faster to check the tire pressure on the Model 3 and Y. On the touchscreen for these models there’s a section in the bottom left called “Cards”. Simply swipe on this section until you get the card with the tire pressure display. Safety and Saving Money (Proper Tire Care) As stated in the Tesla owner manual, under inflated tires are the most common cause of tire failures. These failures can include the tire overheating which can result in severe tire cracking, tread separation, or blowout. Any of these results can lead to an unexpected loss of vehicle control and safety risk. Under inflated tires also reduce the vehicle’s range and tread life of the tires. In an article by AAA, it further elaborates on the affects of low tire pressure: Low tire pressure will affect braking distance and also cause less responsive steering and handling of your vehicle. This is obvious less than optimal condition if you need to break or swerve in an emergency. If an animal or another vehicle unexpectedly jumps in front of you, braking, steering, and overall handling are not something you want compromised because of something as simple as low tire pressure. A tire with low pressure will also have the sidewalls flex excessively which generates heat. Moderate heat will accelerate tread wear, but high heat can lead to loss of tread segments or even blowouts. Tires that are not properly inflated will also have a higher rolling resistance. Have you ever tried to push a vehicle in neutral that had flat tires or ride a bike with underflated tires? It becomes increasingly more difficult to move. On electric vehicles this reduces your range and your overall economy as you have to use more electricity. Checking When Your Tires are “Cold” If you read the print on your tires you’ll likely see a cold fill in front of the recommended PSI. Checking your tire pressure “cold” merely means a check when the vehicle has not been driving, typically for at least 3 hours. It’s not related to the temperature outside. You should always check your pressure “cold”. The same is true when filling since you’ll need to get a new pressure measurement. Driving just one mile can warm up the tire enough to affect the pressure. What Causes Loss of Tire Pressure? According to Michelin, tires can lose up to 1 psi (pounds per square inch) of pressure every month. Keeping your tires properly inflated is an easy, but also a critical maintenance item. We’ll cover tire pressure in more detail below. Punctures and Cold Weather Nails, screws, broken glass, and other objects along the road can cause punctures, but so can colder weather. As the temperature gets cold, the air molecules become less dense resulting in less pressure. A drop of every 10 degrees Fahrenheit can cause the pressure to drop 1 psi. If the temperature drops 20 degrees, you could see a loss of 2 psi and so on. Air Leaks If there’s no sign of damage to the tire, there could be air leaks from the valve (the stem where you fill the air) or around the bead of the tire. The bead of the tire is the surface that makes contact with the inside of the wheel. Age of the tire, contaminants, and stress on the tire can affect how well it seals to the wheel. While valves can be replaced, if the tire has defects in the bead it might be time for a new tire. Tesla TPMS Errors and Faults Reading Tire Pressure Electronic systems and components can fail. The Tesla tire pressure system is not vulnerable to errors either. When you first f a fault with the Tire PressureMonitoring System (TPMS) is detected, the indicator flashes. For a TPMS fault, contact Tesla. Manual Tire Pressure Checks Even though Tesla’s have the built-in TPMS, even the manual recommends a periodic check with a tire pressure gauge. Portable Air Compressors Since Tesla’s (and many other vehicles today) no longer carry a spare tire, at least in my experience, it’s come in handy to have an air compressor in the vehicle. If you have a slow leak, an air compressor can get you back up to the proper pressure until you can get to a near by tire shop. The air compressor I went with is made by DeWalt. One of the main reasons I choose this compressor was the multiple power options it offered. It can use the same 20 volt battery as my DeWalt 20v tools, a 12v car outlet, or a 110 volt outlet like what you have in your house. There’s also some manufacturer’s who make cases specific to this compressor. These type of cases can help keep your compressor from getting scratched up or sliding around. I originally kept my compressor in the frunk, but have since moved it to the back below the rear parcel shelf where I keep my charging and towing accessory bags. After I had a slow leak in a tire a couple years

Are Tesla’s Good Investments? What You Need to Know

tesla for investments

Many more drivers want to purchase a Tesla car than ever before, and it’s easy to know why- they are among the highest quality cars on the market. If you’re considering purchasing a Tesla car, it’s natural to wonder whether it’ll be a good investment.  We’ll use the term “investment” loosely in this post, as cars are typically depreciating liabilities. Out of all the vehicles out around, only a relatively small handful appreciate, and those usually require very limited usage. Rack up the miles and you’ll likely get back into depreciation. When purchased by a consumer, vehicles are a consumption and not an investment. With that out of the way, let’s take a look at how Tesla can be cheaper over the total cost of ownership. Some people might quickly dismiss purchasing a Tesla from the initial sticker price. However, well informed buyers will dive deeper than the initial purchase price and look at the total cost of ownership. This also includes resell value. There’s people out there think these are six figure vehicles. While you can certainly get into that price point with options on the Tesla Model S and X, the Model 3 starts out under $38,000. The total cost of ownership of an entry level Model 3 is expected to actually be cheaper than a sub $21K Honda Civic over 5 years. We’ll cover these topics and more. Benefits of Tesla Ownership Tesla cars are great investments for many reasons, including: Lower depreciation over time Generous warranties Superior handling and overall performance Great range (300+ miles on most models)* on one charge  Top of the line specs that matter Highest Rated Safety Lower Operating and Maintenance Costs Possible RoboTaxi Income *The Model 3 Standard Range Plus has 263 miles per charge, however the Long Range and Performance are well over 300. Tesla cars regularly beat out competitors in reliability, range, overall quality, and more. If you want to know more about why tesla cars are great investments, keep on reading.  Tesla Cars are Incredible Investments Every single car depreciates the moment that you drive off of the lot, and Tesla cars are no exception. But if you are going to invest in a car, you should invest in the best of the best. Tesla cars are fantastic investments, as they shine in categories like safety and performance and do not depreciate as quickly as their counterparts. The following sections will go into the benefits of Tesla cars in detail.  Depreciation Over Time While many cars depreciate fairly quickly and aren’t able to be resold for a good price, Tesla’s are found to hold their value really well. For instance, according to electric cars expert Simon Alvarez, the Tesla Model 3 holds its value several times better than comparable electric vehicles.  It is believed that Tesla’s are great financial investments because their remote software updates help to keep them in good shape.  In addition to that, some of these updates improve the overall performance of the cars over time. So, if you purchase a Tesla, you can rest assured that there won’t be a ton of depreciation over time.  Teslas Come with Generous Warranties Another way to know if a car is a good investment is if it has a generous warranty.  For new Tesla vehicles, you can expect a limited warranty that’ll last for either four years or 50,000 miles. The vehicles are also covered by a battery and drive warranty for 8 years.  The warranties will cover either the repair or replacement needed to correct defects in Tesla products that occur with normal, reasonable use.  Used Tesla Warranties Used Tesla vehicle warranties are not as long-lived. After the first 4-year warranty has expired, an additional year (or 10,000 miles) of coverage is available.  Remote Repairs If something goes wrong with the vehicle, Tesla may be able to fix your car remotely using their computer system. If the problem cannot be rectified remotely, you can go elsewhere to get the repair done. However, your warranty could possibly be voided if you don’t go to a Tesla repair center.   You can read more about Tesla’s warranties on their vehicle warranty page.  Tesla Prices Are Somewhat Moderate What many don’t know about Tesla vehicles is that they are modestly priced. With all of the fancy specs, safety features, and their reputation for luxury and innovation, people would expect Tesla cars to start at a sky-high price. Below are all of the starting prices of the new Tesla vehicles on the market today (at the time of this article): Tesla Model S $69,420 Tesla Model 3 $37,990 Tesla Model X $79,990 Tesla Model Y $49,990 These prices are subject to change and increase based on the specific car’s specs. If you go with a base model, you can keep your cost down while still enjoying the superior safety and performance that we have come to expect from a Tesla.  If you want a used car, you can snag a gorgeous Tesla vehicle for less than $40,000.  Tesla’s Are Designed to Be Good Investments Tesla thought of everything when designing these cars, and this is not an exaggeration. This next section will focus on the intricate details that propel Teslas to the very top.  Tesla’s Are Undeniably Safe Tesla cars are among the safest cars that you’ll find on the market, and this comes down to its design. While there are many different types of Tesla vehicles, you can rest assured that all of them were created with safety first.  The Tesla Model 3 is made of both aluminum and steel, two metals that combine to create a very sturdy structure. It is stated on their website that this particular model can withstand the weight of 2 adult elephants!  Tesla’s Model S is not only built with super-strong metals, but it also features a floor-mounted battery for maximum safety in a collision. It has a 5-star safety rating per the Tesla website. The Model X stands out when it comes