I just received the Tesla software update version 2020.12.5 this afternoon. This update includes the Tesla Dashcam Viewer and Out of Order Supercharger Stalls. Cheetah Mode is also released in this version for Performance Model S and X vehicles, so I didn’t get it.
Dashcam Viewer
Now you can watch saved dashcam clips or Sentry Mode events directly from the touchscreen with the Dashcam Viewer. You can tap the Dashcam icon in the status bar and select “Launch Viewer” when the car is in park. While the car is drive, you can still tap this same icon just like before to save clips.
Tapping the upper left corner Menu icon of the viewer will allow you to view saved clips and events that are saved on USB drive. The videos are sorted by location, date, and a thumbnail to make access quick and easy. You can also use additional filtering ooptions by taping on the “Dashcam” or “Sentry” tabs.
You can play a clip or event by simply clicking on the thumbnail. Choose a video from a particular camera by tapping on the corresponding thumbnail marked Front, Rear, Left, or Right. You also have Play, pause, or scroll options through the video controls at the bottom of the player. If you want to delete a video, just tap the trash icon in the bottom right corner in the video player.
Video Quality
Granted the video quality isn’t the greatest, but if you happen to drive near an accident or other event, Dashcam is a great built-in feature. There are aftermarket dashcams with much higher resolution and overall video quality, some with front and rear facing cameras. You still won’t get side facing cameras from anything currently available aftermarket without mounting a fairly bulky camera in awkward location.
No In-App Viewing Yet
I don’t think many people will run out to their vehicles when Sentry Mode notifies you of an event. However, it will be a welcome feature to be able to view at least recent clips directly from your phone. So in the meantime, we’ll have to wait and see if Tesla Dashcam Viewer rolls out in an upcoming Tesla app update.
Time will tell if they add this capability, but it’s already amazing that Sentry Mode and Dashcam are free updates. The fact they first rolled out manual Dashcam recording, added Sentry Mode, and then expanded to additional cameras is great! No need for aftermarket installs for fairly decent footage.
Tesla Cheetah Mode
Cheetah Mode is designed to increase launch performance. Since I don’t have a performance version, I won’t be seeing this update. You can find out more information on Car and Driver’s article.
Out of Order Supercharger Stalls
I’ve seen a message only once in nearly 3 years of owning a Tesla when a supercharger was out of order. With this most recent update, it will now identify the number of individual stalls at a supercharging location that are out of order. Just tap on the Supercharger station map pin to see the current availability.
Are You Considering a Tesla Purchase?
If you’re looking to purchase a new Tesla vehicle or Tesla Energy product, please consider using my referral code (link to Tesla with my code): https://ts.la/kevin82163