
Arrow Holder / Carrier From an Old Shoe Rack – DIY

backyard archery arrow holder

For this project, I made an arrow holder by re-using the base and carrying handle of a shoe holder. This was something my wife was ready to throw out and I quickly saw the potential for re-using several pieces. This is an arrow holder project I made about 5 years ago, so I won’t have all step-by-step in progress shots for it unless I happen to come across some old photos.

Archery Backstop – Step by Step DIY and Lessons Learned

I built a previous archery backstop that didn’t survive, so it was time to a build a new one. For the first archery backstop I built I had some extra landscape timber lying around, so this is what I decided to use. I initially built it to where it could be moved as a portable stand, but after seeing heavy wind knock it down repeatedly I decided to put those posts in the ground with some concrete.