Fully Charged Goes on a Tour of a Sustainable City in Dubai

Not just a Sustainable City, it’s called The Sustainable City.  This small city has a goal of net zero energy development. The homes incur no service or maintenance fees which are offset by revenue generated by the plaza.  

Karim El-Jisir, Director of The Sustainable City Innovation Centre states that on a global average, a single human produces 7 metric tons per year of carbon.  Their initial studies at The Sustainable City has data indicated each of their residents produces just 3 to 3.1 metric tons of carbon per year.

Grey and black water are separated into two streams.  The grey water from showers and washing machines is treated within the city and used in water features as well as for irrigation and for use in cooling pads.

The city is currently producing 10 megawatts of electricity per day thanks to solar panels and every roof.  Solar panels also cover the parking areas.

Herbs and vegetables are also grown onsite in greenhouses.  These greenhouses are using older desert technology first developed over 40 years ago.

At the time of this video being shot (January 2017), they were in Phase 1 of their plan.  For more information, you can check out The Sustainable City’s website: http://www.thesustainablecity.ae/

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